Spend OSRS gold on staves.

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Those collecting staves should be aware of what the Nightmare Staff can do. Staff in OSRS do have a lot of uses. They are a viable form of weaponry and are considered one of the more popular OSRS items for sale. Before we are able to get one of our own, we need to know a bit more about it, and what we need to do to acquire it for ourselves. With that in mind, let’s delve into what the Nightmare Staff does.

About The Nightmare Staff

You may have already figured out just where the Nightmare Staff comes from. OSRS has a renowned enemy known as The Nightmare. This is a creature also known as The Nightmare of Ashihama and terrorizes its victims by feeding off their life forces whilst they’re sleeping.

The Nightmare Staff will require you to have reached level 65 magic. You’ll also need to get your hitpoints up to 50 as well. It stands out as a staff that is able to not only auto-cast your standard attack spells but can do the same with ancient magicks too. Where their name comes from is actually a bit of a mystery, though we now associate it with The Nightmare itself.

OSRS gold

There are effects that we are able to add to the staff. To do so, we will need to find attachments in the form of orbs. We have the choice of three different orbs that we can put onto the staff. Since each orb is different, you can expect a differing effect depending on the orb that you have chosen to use.

You can upgrade the staff to the Eldritch Nightmare Staff using the Eldritch Orb. Meanwhile, you have the option to make the Harmonised Nightmare Staff with the Harmonised Orb, or the Volatile Nightmare Staff with the Volatile Orb. It is worth mentioning that if you do choose to upgrade your staff, then you won’t be able to trade it. However, if you’re looking to trade, you will be able to revert it back down to the items that it’s made of.

What Does It Do?

As for the combat styles, there is a few different attacks that it is capable of. The attack types are made up of both crush and magic. You can use bash and pound for accuracy and aggressive attacks respectively, or you can use focus for defense. With the auto-cast spells that are available, this is a good potential item to spend your OSRS gold on.

How To Get It?

If you would like to be able to get the staff, then you’ll have to experience The Nightmare for yourself. By defeating this entity, you’ll have the chance of getting The Nightmare Staff. With every Nightmare kill, you will have the opportunity of rolling two unique drop tables. Every one of these will feature armor, mace, or even the staff. There’s a 1/120 chance of rolling the staff drop table.

As for its rarity, you’re looking at anything from 1/400 to 1/229 odds of getting your very own Nightmare Staff. Since this is going to be quite difficult for you to get a hold of, there is always the option of buying one of your own. Players who are short on gold but don’t want to go through the method of taking on The Nightmare may consider finding OSRS gold for sale. If you’ve not tried to buy OSRS gold before, then there are a few things to be on the lookout for.

First of all, we’ll need to find the price of the item. The price stands at 17,085,012, but it might be worth your time to check the Grand Exchange. Doing this will give you a better idea of how much you’re going to need. Research in this area is actually key because there are some resources that are better than others.

Thankfully, there are some signs that we can look out for. When visiting a site, makes sure it’s one that sells trusted OSRS gold. You can spot some of the said signs simply by visiting the site to see what’s available. Not in terms of the actual gold, but rather what the site has to offer with customer service. This can include customer service chat being available around the clock, and customer reviews are a great source of evidence about how legitimate the site actually is.

Whatever OSRS gold you get, putting it towards the Nightmare Staff is going to be worth it. When you are considering what it is capable of with the orbs attached, it would be worth the investment. That said, it’s going to take some work to get those orbs, so be ready to put the time in. Have you found this OSRS Nightmare staff? Let us know in the comments section below!

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